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Laura's Steelsings Characters

James Ploughman

Name: James Ploughman

Age: 23 (19th June)

Status: Commoner

Where does he live: A medium farm outside the city

Where is he from: Corus

Family: Father: James

             Mother: Evé

             Big brother: John

Occupation: Farmer with his brother and father.

Gift: None, he is rather scared of it.

Description:  He stands at 5ft 8 with a very muscled body form working everyday. He has black hair and green eyes. He has a scar the goes up his arm, he received it form his brother when they were out in the fields working.  He is tanned from being out in the sun so much.

Clothes: A shirt and breeches and a pair of tired boots.

Personality: He is very kind to those who show him this same courtesy.  He can be very blunt and frank when he needs to be. He is very civil and polite. He is a man who does not keep to himself very much but likes to mingle after being shut up in the farm for so long. Has found that he  can be shy  with people but thanks to Mags and Imi he is beginning to  get over that.

Strengths: He is very good with bows both cross bow and long bow; these are skills which he has learned from being out looking after the animals. He is also good with a sling shot as he and his brother often had competitions in his younger years. He is moderately good looking but doesn’t even know that himself as he’s never had a girl take a shine to him.

Weaknesses: He cannot fight in close combat. He finds to hard to be civil to those he knows are not even making an effort to be nice to him or those around him. He cannot drink alcohol as he gets very violent when he is under the influence.

What’s your char ashamed of: Im not sure yet but im sure time will tell.

Why is your char at the inn?  For some relaxation after a hard days work and to meet some new people as his list of friends is shorter than his thumb.

Relationships: He  likes Skye and has started to see her.

Friends:  Skye, Imi, Mags, Perso.

Picture from: www.emma-helena.com
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