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Laura's Steelsings Characters

Zora Lorian

Name: Zora Lorian

Age: 16 (30th May)

Where from: About 4 days ride from Corus

Where living at: No where. She is homeless.

Family: Mother – Zara

             Father:  Nevil

             Brother: Zander. (Died in an accident)

Status: Poor commoner

Occupation: She is a “Flower seller” not to her liking. Is a theif.

Description:  She is tall for a 16 year old girl, she is very fine and always has a smile on her face. She has lots of scars on her back and her front from being hit so much. She also has cuts on her wrists from cutting herself before she came to Corus. She has long blonde curly hair. Her eyes are a very vibrant green.

Clothes: She always wears pretty clothes to attract men in her direction. She always wears one of three dresses. Her white one, her red one or her blue one.

Personality: Zora is a very sweet girl. She has found herself being a lot nicer to people since she get away from her parents.  Because of her occupation she is always flirty with men but when she is with men who wouldn’t want her services or look like they need it she can be very shy and reserved. She likes to be around people who will talk to her normally and be nice to her and not because they want sex. Has come out of her shell so much is now always in a very bubbly mood.

Strengths: She thinks she has none. Her parents have put her down so much that she now believes she is useless . She always seems to be able to look happy and be happy even when she isn’t. This is something she has learned to do since coming to Corus. She can now use daggers and  can fight hand to hand. She uses all her anger  when fighting, which helps her. (So much anger for a 15 year old)

Weakness: Not being able to stand up to her parents. Having to have sex for money to get food. She hates the fact that she doesn’t even have a place to live and has to wander half the night or sleep rough. If a punter gets to rough can’t stop him as she doesn’t have the strength.

History: She was the least loved of two children. Her mother and father always loved their son and heir more than their only daughter. This lack of love showed right through out her life until the day she managed to get away from her parents.

A few months before she left home her brother and her were at a river near their home when they had an argument and her brother thought he would be smart and cross the river and force Zora across when she was really scared.  When he was half way across the stepping stone he slipped and hit his head on one of the rocks and fell in and was swept away. Zora tried to run down the bank and save him but when he washed up he was dead, he had drowned. When her mother and father arrived and saw their son they blamed Zora.

For the months between her brothers death and he leaving her mother and father both started to take all her anger and grief out on her by hitting her. Her father on more than one occasion left her almost dead with his violence. After trying to kill herself many times she knew she had to leave so she grabbed some things and left her home to start a new life free from her mother and father.

When she arrived in Corus she tried her best to get a job and find somewhere to live but she couldn’t find either. She was wondering the streets of Corus for over a week when she was giving up hope of ever getting money to eat when a man approached her and offered her money for sex. Because she was so desperate she accepted and she kept selling herself for money to keep alive.

She isn’t happy about what she does and when she gets a job she will stop but until then she must keep doing it.

What’s is your char ashamed of:  Being a disappointment to her parents. Selling herself for money.

Why your char is unique:  She is a 15 year old “flower seller”

Why your char is at the inn: To hopefully get some business or a free drink or two. She now wants to join the rogue.

Friends: Aedan, Perso, Maggie, Luthando, Carri, Kali, Jakys, Seth, Reilly, Gysh, Kildan, Ryder, Zay, Row, Roffe, Raphael, Dorian, Kira, Luke and Mirel. (If I forgot anyone let me know)

Relationships: Ryder. Has liked him for a long time and it finally happened, is really going to trya nd make this one work.

Her favourite place: In the forest, she loves all the trees and the river and the safe feeling she gets there. Has taken only a few people to her spot in the forest, here she has a tree that she always climbs, she feels so free when on it, like she is on top of the world and can do anything.




* Zor was taken in by Perso, when he caught her stealing food on the market. He has trained her as a thief and she hopes to join the rogue soon.

* Perso and Luth doesn't know but when she is very short on cash she still goes back to her only job.

* Is going out with Luth. They got together after she was almost raped and he was nice and talked to her etc.

*Aedan isn't happy with her as she is going with Luth as he likes her.

* Has learned to fight with daggers and hand to hand combat. (For the rogue and to use if another man ever got to rough)

* Has stopped being a full time wench, with the help of Perso and Luth.

*Went back to her old tricks to get money.

*Started to sleep with Perso aka cheating on Luth.

*Broke up with Luth., things were not the same between them.

*Splet with Valdir! (For a necklace which turned out to be fake)

*Had a big bust up with Perso over that and she shouted at him in the inn.

*Slept with Kildan, that made Jem very cross, not that Zora cares!

*Slept with Aed.

*Get beat up very badly by Rys, he tried to get her to sell her as a slave. (Ts available)

*Slept with Seth

*Got slaped by Row for sleeping with Seth, not that Zor knew Row saw Seth as her man! *doesn't think she would have cared that much*

*Slept with Raphael.

*Slept with Jakys (has feelings for him, even though he now likes Nina)

* Is in a slight rut right now, has lot her interest in flirting ( Laura thinks she is broken)

* Finally finished her training, is now a rogue.

* Ran away after having to much on her mind, was kept company by Kildan and Gysh.

* Is in a tough pickle at the minute. Although she likes Jac, isn't sure if she still loves him, really likes Ryder who has just come home and likes Kildan who is with someone else. So is trying to straighten her head about that.

* Broke up with Jakys (11th Dec)

* Is going with Ryder, he came back form his trip and "swept her off her feet"

* The sexual tension between her and Kildan is at an all time high. (read part of the ts on my front page, I have the rest of it)

* Helped when guys were trying to get Flip, got hurt for her good deeds. Kildan told her she looked horrible and he made her so jealous by flirting with a whoreuntil she agreed to go to the healers, just to get him out of the room.

* Had a bit of a mix up with Kil.

* Decided to travel for a short time. She is currently in carthank and will be home shortly as she only needed a break away from everyone.

* Got a job as a maid or a lower class noble lady, likes the job is getting very bored with having to be someone she isn't.


Is married to Ryder, although no one but Ryder and Zor know about this, no real reason they just like it being between them. Has had a miscarraige, but that was a few years back, is getting back to normal now and moving on.

Zor is now 25 and is as happy as always, is alot prettier, came into her looks as she got older, same smile and laugh and same personality.

No children, A house in the forest edge for summer, still lives in her room in the inn, finds it easy for work.

(I found some cute pics and they so look like Zor and Kil so I am putting them up *grins*)




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